Wednesday, October 14, 2009

quarter-life crisis.

so i was a never an "i must save/change the world" kind of person, but as my birthday draws closer and closer, my quarter-life thoughts have blown out in to a quarter-life crisis. so many of us dream of living exceedingly happy lives, fully content, and enjoying everything around us! but how many of us actually achieve that? i'd say very few. how many people actually make a difference? certainly not me!

knowing full well how fortunate i am right now, i still can't help but feel so stagnant and stuck. my coworkers are grreat but the mundanity of my job severely gets to me at times, and with no movement in my near future...what do i do? thinking about future "bigger" projects just makes me worried about all the problems that will arise, instead of being excited about new opportunitites. even my fun! distraction of kpop/2PM isn't fun anymore...that too is just filled with drama.

about 2 months ago, i felt a strong need to shake things up. that sort of got pushed by the wayside, but maybe it's time to bring that back, just to have a goal to work towards, whether it works out or not. all i know is that i'm way too young to be feeling as disgruntled as i do right now....

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