Tuesday, April 01, 2014


I used to think that most of my memories were defined by food... So many memories formed over food and certain food could conjure fond or painful remembrances.  I mean, like every other Asian girl, I do like taking food pictures and cataloging my experiences.

But tonight, as the beginning strains of M83's (excellently haunting) "Midnight City" played over a random video, all of a sudden it was the summer of 2012 and I could instantly feel all the feels of that time. The giddiness of discovering friendship and more. A cool person (the snapback, subtle-swag variety of cool) who loves music eagerly validating that this was a "GREAT song" when I shared it after stumbling upon it. Roadtrips sharing glimpses in to otherwise hidden parts of ourselves. The unknown joyfulness of truly living in the present. And yes, a tinge of sadness given the knowledge of the future.

Even though circumstances are different and the relationship we have is so vastly different from 18 months ago, that song will forever be associated with that one special summer, and the boy who made it so.

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