Tuesday, December 17, 2013

guess who's back, back again (not really).

3 years have passed since i last wrote in this lovely blog...and the doom and gloom, rainy, dreariness that was the blog background is a strong/painful/good reminder of the place i was in 3 years ago.  it's funny to see how time passes by so quickly....i remember the angst and agita of prepping for school and ALL of the insecurities and indecisions it caused.

and then i went to school!  and took a while to find my ground but ultimately, found my niche and my way to make an impact and embrace the experience for what it is and was.

and then...i decided to move across the country, the "be brave!" statement....and it turns out that being brave requires you to go back to that state of discomfort and uncertainty again.

i have no clue if i'll regularly blog, or if this will be another stop in my next 3 year journey.  but tonight...i write.

1 comment:

Jen Shin said...